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Auteur Titre: Explos en recycleur "décapelé" à Burnabbie Cave Date
Frankodile Dundee Des nouvelles toutes fraîches de la liste de diffusion des plongeurs australiens :

Hi There Fellow Explorers!

Cave Divers Alan Polini and Paul Hosie have just returned from a one week expedition

to the Nullarbor Plain exploring and surveying the magnificent Burnabbie Cave.

It is not unusual that the cave was extended by 500m and now has over 2,750m (9,000ft)

of surveyed passages with a number of leads continuing. This makes it the fourth longest

underwater cave in Australia so far discovered.

What did make this effort unusual was the use of off-mounted closed circuit rebreathers to

make the 950m (3,000ft) penetration through ten restrictions to the point where exploration

of the cave was progressed using traditional side-mounted open circuit scuba equipment.

Most dives conducted were between 3 and 4 hours duration.

Details of the dives, equipment used and an updated map of the cave will be presented

at the upcoming Australian Speleological Federation Conference at Mount Gambier in

January 2007.

Kind Regards,

Paul H
2006-11-10 07:08:09

